The SS Paranormal Division is a secret branch of the Axis millitary's very own Schutzstaffel. The group was composed of eccentric and possibly chronically insane, yet distinguished members of the Third Reich and out of the ranks of the Wehrmacht; bent upon turning the tide of the Second World War in favour of the crumbling Nazi Germany war machine.
The division was founded by Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler in early 1941; in order to research and record occult findings, and other such phenomenon in hopes of incorporating such mystical and paranormal energy within advanced technology, and even in to human organisms, in hopes of stimulating some sort of reaction that would allow the holder to wield the energy from such paranormal occurrences. Though it was also formed to attempt to crush the Allied forces.
While working to harness and control mystical energies of the paranormal; the Paranormal Division were also known to have been developing highly experimental and temperamental, yet advanced weaponry in order to sway the tide of the Second World War in their favour. Headed by Wilhelm Strasse; the branch of the paranormal division, known as the SS Special Projects Division utilized the best minds of the Third Reich to ensure victory for Nazi Germany.
Members of the Paranormal Division were known to be apart of the an Aryan superiority group known as the Thule Society. This was what was believed to have created their lust for magical and mystic energy, and their thirst to unearth the ancient energy, uncovering ancient tombs, portals to strange and disturbing dimensions, and even uncovering Thule Medallions. With such artifacts; the Thule Society had access to the Black Sun Dimension, a dimension with power that could be utilized and harnessed for use in weaponry and technological appliances.
Despite their progress in creating highly sophisticated and advanced weaponry for the Axis, as well as harnessing ultimate power; and its best attempts at remaining concealed, Allied forces quickly discovered its existence and made quick work of many of its somewhat moronic and misguided attempts at securing total work. The most notable of the Paranormal divisions greatest hinderances was the O.S.A, which had been formed following the entrance of the United States in to the Second World War, sending specialized teams in to cripple the Divisions operations, the most notable of these agents was B.J. Blazkowicz.
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