The Wolfenstein Fanon Wiki
The Wolfenstein Fanon Wiki

The Sten is a British manufactured submachine gun.


After the Sten Mk. 1 was deployed on numerous operations, including on the North African front, the British Army decided to come out with a new and improved model of their submachine gun, to replace the older version. This introduced a newly dreamt up new feeding system with a magazine that was inserted into the magazine weld at a 90 degree counter clockwise angle. This would allow the user to hold the magazine and the pistol grip in order to keep the weapon steady when firing, accounting for balancing issues.

Operational History[]

In 1943, the British Armed Forces and the Kreisau Circle used the Sten Mk. 2 against the forces of Nazi Germany. The Sten Mk. 2 was also notably issued to OSA operative B.J. Blazkowicz, modified with a suppressor that would allow him to eliminate possible threats with a moderate amount of stealth, something which rarely lasted in his line of work however. Noting the weapons abilities and capabilities were comparable and even perhaps greater than the MP-40s stopping power, and with it the MP-40 being in short supply around the time that they wished to engage in Operation Resurrection as ordered by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, the SS Paranormal Division issued their Elite Guard with captured Sten Mk. 2s, All of which were modified with suppressors which would enable them to move and eliminate threats almost entirely without raising any alarm from those they fought against.

Agneta Tabatha, formerly one of the Elite Guard and SS Paranormal Division and later OSA operative on the field, also utilized the Sten Mk. 2, with a similar set-up to many OSA agents; suppressor and improved rate of fire additions that allowed for a greater chance of success when deployed on the field.

Fanon Usage[]

In a Friend of Nazi, The Sten is the primary weapon of the British army. captured Stens are also used by the SS. German Cannery workers also use it to ward off Zombies.

