The Wolfenstein Fanon Wiki
The Wolfenstein Fanon Wiki

The Tesla Gun is an unconventional short-mid ranged energy weapon developed by the SS Special Projects Division of the  SS Paranormal Division.


The weapon was the product of the X-Labs that were known to serve as a base for the SS Special Projects Division. They managed to design several new advanced weapons; some being the Tesla Gun and the GP-VG MK2 Venom Gun. Such weapons were modified onto the weapons like the Super Soldier, developed by Wilhelm Strasse.

Battle of Isenstadt[]

During his mission to stop the SS Paranormal Division from harnessing the energy of the Black Sun Dimension; B.J. Blazkowicz encountered soldiers such as Heavy Troopers using these weapons and even the Particle Cannon.

Fanon Usage[]



The Tesla Gun was originally designed to sent thousands of volts of electrical energy at people unfortunate enough to cross one of these weapons. They were eventually designed to actually rip enemy troopers to shreds. Upon the trigger being pulled; the weapon emits a highly energized current through the barrel and it will hit anything in front of it.

It fires multiple arcs of energy and good for short-mid ranged attacks and the improved model can actually lock onto targets automatically and hit them when the weapon is fired. The weapon is known to fire from a battery that is good for at least 300 rounds of ammunition before one needs to reload.


Despite it's power and effectiveness; the Tesla Gun is known to have a few drawbacks. The weapon is known to not be effective against X-Lab creatures (e.g. the Loper) and is known to have low damage when they are in their earlier stages.


Blueprint (TG)

Tesla Gun Blueprint

Despite the earlier model being incapable of being modified; the later models of the Tesla Gun was indeed capable of being modified.

  • Upgraded Battery: Where the standard battery contains 60 Rounds; an upgraded battery doubles that with another 60.
  • Step Transformer: As much damage as the Tesla Gun can dish out; the Step Transformer enables the weapon to actually dish out more damage.
  • Arc Nodes: Despite it's ability to kill; the Tesla Gun can be used as a stunning and electrocutioning weapon in order to stun enemies or kill them with melee electrical shocks.
  • Coil Upgrade: This device enables the weapon to increase the number of arcs the weapon emits.
  • Current Induction: This device enables the shooter to kill of a chain of enemy troops easily.

